What is RememBird?
Please note that any review before 2010 will be discussing the original RememBird. The Mark II has taken on board many of the suggestions made by users and reviewers over the past few years. We've added comments in italics to update any details that have changed.
Click the "+" sign to the left of a review to see its content and on the "-" to hide it again.
ABA Birding March/April 2008
“For the size of the package, the RememBird provides a remarkably good recording (definitely adequate for identification later) and a convenient way of recording those valuable field notes”. For the full review, click here.
Scott Shalaway
“Each year, I visit [Birdwatch America] in hopes of discovering a few great new products that can enhance my enjoyment of birds and nature. This year RememBird gets my grand prize.” Read the full article here
Wildlife Sound Recording Society
This respected organisation has performed a very thorough review that concentrates on RememBird’s bird-song recording capabilities. For the full review click here
A further review, by Dave Hatton, was published in the Winter 2006 edition of the Journal of the Wildlife Sound Recording Society. The full text of the review - plus notes highlighting where the (current) Mark II differs can be viewed here.
Martin Garner - British Birds Rarities Committee Member
- “A marvelous innovation to take us into the next new frontier of birdwatching"
- "Wished I had one of these on several occasions last autumn...."
Martin, a current member of the British Birds rarities committee and author of "Frontiers of Birding", is passionate about the pioneering edge of British birdwatching.used
www.rarebirdspain.net - Ricard Gutiérrez
- “This is very much a piece of kit for the modern birder who wants to be ready for anything without also having to carry around special sound equipment.”
- “Its versatility and ease of rapid use will make a real difference both for the professional and for the serious birder.”
- “You will quickly come to see how useful this is and will want to make sure it’s always to hand.”
Ricard is one of Spain’s best known birdwatchers and runs www.rarebirdspain.net He used RememBird for several months before writing a comprehensive review. Read the full review in Spanish on Ricard’s website by clicking here or read our English translation here.
Birding World - Steve Gantlett and Review by Dave Hatton
- “I've got my own Remembird linked up to my 'old' mini-disc speaker and am having fun with it.”
- “I love the Western Palearctic sound card!”
Editor, Steve Gantlett
Review by Dave Hatton
Dave has been birding avidly from his UK base and around the world for over 20 years and is now a keen digi-scoper - with articles published in Birding World. He has taken his RememBird as far afield as Spitzbergen and his orignal reviews can be read in Birding World Volume 19, Number 9 (and also in the Winter 2006 edition of the Journal of the Wildlife Sound Recording Society).
“I can see it quickly carving a niche amongst birders. It seems likely to become a trusted companion on many a future birding trip.”
The full text of the review - plus notes highlighting where the (current) Mark II differs can be viewed here.
Birdwatch Magazine - Tools of the trade
- “... this highly portable device is an asset in the field.
- At £195 (now only £145)the RememBird is sure to prove popular.
From the December 2006 Issue, “Tools of the trade” on page 46:
Jean Roché - world renowned wildlife recordist
Probably the most respected bird-sound recordist in Europe - if not the world - Jean has provided the vast majority of the recordings for the British and European audio field-guides. Initially sceptical of the sound quality possible from such a device, Jean was pleasantly surprised by the quality and the breadth and depth of the audio field-guides - which even go beyond his previous work, the 10 CD set of Birds of Europe.
BBC Wildlife Magazine - review by Dominic Couzens
- “Is it worth it? Yes. It’s great for recording on-the-spot details of sightings while at the same time helping you to get to grips with bird sounds.”
- “I have found it to be very useful and have recommended it as a suitable Christmas gift. I have genuinely found this to be an excellent product” (This latter quote is from Dominic direct to us, not quoted from the review)
Dominic writes regular columns for BBC Wildlife Magazine, Bird Watching, The National Trust Magazine and Birds. He has provided a brief review of RememBird for BBC Wildlife Magazine’s December 2006 edition (page 78). Dominic comments:
Carlos Bethancourt - Principal guide at the Canopy Tower, Panama
Carlos is the principle guide at the Canopy Tower in Panama. He first saw RememBird during its early field trials in May 2005 and now uses one himself in place of the CD player and pouch full of CDs he used to carry around with him.
Dr. Fernley Symons - ornithologist
Fernley holds a doctorate in Ecology and Evolution. He is one of our earliest paying customers and we have helped him to build audio field-guides for Sri Lanka and Paraguay. He now owns two RememBirds - making him our first repeat customer!
“The recorder performed well and proved useful in learning the call of large-billed warbler (a new call for my driver-guide, I think). It also proved helpful when the tour company's tape proved inadequate for the task.”
“All who saw it were impressed by its capabilities”
“Given its size and quality, I would suggest it’s an essential piece of kit for anyone going somewhere with even a moderately sized avifauna.”
History of RememBird
The original RememBird was launched at the British Birdfair in August 2006.
The "Mark II" was introduced in 2010 - with more memory, audio field-guide as standard and support for external microphones.